Saturday, February 14, 2009

Alcohol and Health, do not go together.

• Ethanol, a major component of any alcoholic beverage, affects the central nervous system, causing different types of diseases, accidents, abuse and unwanted pregnancies

• The 9.3% of potential years of life lost attributable to alcohol consumption

• The message should be "no drink" states Angel Velasco, Chairman of FARE

In recent days emerging information on various perceived benefits of alcohol consumption for the prevention of diseases such as cancer, Alzheimer's or unwanted effects such as dehydration. However, the analysis of deaths by cause of death concluded the opposite. According to Mr. Angel Velasco, President of the Federation of Alcoholics rehabilitated Spain (FARE), "It's a shame that they will embrace this kind of messages to the public. Are messages that depart completely from reality. Alcohol seriously impairs the health, cause accidents, abuse, unwanted pregnancy, among others. " She adds "These confusing messages to young people and predispose them to uncontrolled consumption of alcohol. Alcohol is not a consumer product, is a drug and the media should warn of the dangers. "

Mortality and alcohol

Rather than note that alcohol can have beneficial effects on health, the study "Mortality and premature deaths related to alcohol consumption in Spain between 1999 and 2004" published last month in Clinical Medicine, is responsible for confirming the opposite, warning that alcohol consumption is a major cause of death in our country. In absolute numbers, the study states that the percentage of mortality attributable to alcohol consumption was 2.1%.

Among the chronic process, two of every three deaths from causes related to chronic alcohol consumption were due to diseases of the digestive system, particularly the cirrhotic process. Between acute, unintentional accidents, including traffic accidents (with 15% of all deaths attributable to alcohol) were the leading cause of death.
Similarly, one of the objectives of the work focused on assessing the effects of alcohol as a cause of premature mortality and the results leave no doubt. Thus, the authors of the paper said that "9.3% of potential years of life lost attributable to alcohol, a figure close to the rates for smoking.

"The results show that alcohol consumption is a major cause of mortality and causes a high premature mortality, and possible 'benefit' on mortality is negligible compared to the damage that occurs," says the study. Of the 51,351 deaths attributable to alcohol consumption that occurred in Spain during the period studied, only 17 cases were observed in a "delay" in mortality compared to 51,368 deaths caused by alcohol consumption.

Physical performance and alcohol

There have been various studies on the effects of alcohol and physical performance in humans and one of the most recent is the American College of Sports Medicine, found that acute alcohol consumption exerts a negative effect on psychomotor, as time reaction, and hand-eye coordination, accuracy, balance and coordination.

The work adds that alcohol may decrease the strength, power, local muscular tolerance, speed and cardiovascular tolerance. Moreover, he concludes: "We must educate athletes, leaders, educators, doctors, coaches, media, etc.. to know the effect of alcohol on physical performance and the acute and chronic disorders that may occur. "

Ethanol (a major component of any alcoholic beverage) affects the central nervous system, causing euphoria, disinhibition, dizziness, decrease in response to reflexes, drowsiness, hallucinations, confusion, etc.. According to the study added, the alcohol affects the complexity of dopamine at an early stage, causing euphoria and loss of fear, the only effect that could be considered positive for the sport.
Thus, consumption of alcohol mixed with physical exercise is a very unwise practice after training and matches. Alcohol promotes dehydration, and even minimal degree (a loss equivalent to 1% of body weight) can have a negative effect on performance.

Professional sports are often severely restrict the consumption of alcohol after physical activity, as expressed Esteban Vigo, former player of FC Current coach of Barcelona and Deportivo Xerez. "We prohibit the players drinking alcohol, including beer, after training or matches, and for mergers. Any doctor or nutritionist for a professional club always advise that provision, "he said.

Ultimately, doctors, coaches, teachers, parents and other social actors, it would have a preventive role of promoting actions that promote a healthy lifestyle and report on all the health risks associated with alcohol consumption. According to Angel Velasco, this is a difficult task because "we must fight against the economic interests of the industry Alcoholera seeking to promote the daily consumption of alcohol. The message should be "no drink".

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